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How to Work with Character Actions

To add actions to a character, click on it, and on the right panel, you'll find the character settings.

To change the default action, click on Action 1 and select a new action from the list that pops up.

To add a new action, click on "+Add New" and select a different action from the list.

To change an action, click on the current action and select a new one.

Extending Duration of Action

There are 2 ways to extend the duration of action.

1. To extend the duration of the same action, simply click and drag the action to the right.
See: How to Play Continuous Character Actions

2. Extend by adding an action multiple times

Click +Add New and choose the same action. 

Then on the timeline, right-click on each added action and select Disable Starting Animation and Disable Ending Animation.

Add again the same action and disable only the Starting Animation.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Steve M

    Is there a way to pause character talking action to match speech?