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Where are the Assets Stored?

The assets are stored in these locations

For Windows
C:\Users\{you username}\AppData\Roaming\createstudiopro\resources

/Users/{your username}/Library/Application Support/createstudiopro/resources

Note: We discouraged any changes to the files and folders of the app, this will cause the app not to work properly.
In case the asset files are moved or deleted, two things can happen.
1) The app allows you to drag them into the canvas but this will generate an error cause the files are no longer there.
2) The asset cannot be downloaded again cause the app thinks it's already downloaded

CreateStudio does not have an option to change the asset storage location. But they are compressed into smaller files. For example, characters are about 70-80% of the size.

You can also save your projects wherever you like and store them in the cloud or external disks. However, you have to bring the project back to computer storage when you want to work on the project.

Here is how it works:

If you have to change the computer, just load or open your projects. The assets are automatically downloaded when you open a project that uses resources or fonts that you haven’t yet downloaded on the new computer.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Mira

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  1. Pano K.

    The word "cause" in this article is used incorrectly in 1) and 2) following the Note section. "Cause" is an action that triggers a resulting event. However, the way " 'cause " is used is typically seen with an apostrophe at the beginning and is more like slang (not proper English). The correct word that should be used is "because."  Please correct this in similar instances to avoid being seen as unprofessional in the use of grammar.