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Project Editing

Create Studio has almost unlimited editing options. Check at least couple of them here...

  • How To Lock Element

    Lock an element on track to prevent unwanted changes while editing. To lock an element, right-click on its track and select Lock. Diagonal lines will appear on locked tracks. To unlock, just right-cli...

  • How To Change Fonts

    To change a text's font: Select the text >  Go to the Settings panel > pick the font The text on the canvas automatically changes to the selected font. Depending on the font, there may also be an opti...

  • How To Import Custom Fonts

    CreateStudio Pro supports these font formats: TTF, OTF,  WOFF, and WOFF2 To import fonts, add the text element to the canvas Click the current font type and click the + button Click Load Folder to loa...

  • How To Mute/Change Volume Settings

    To mute an audio clip: Select the audio layer in the timeline > Go to Volume Settings >  drag the slider to zero (0) You may also adjust the Fade In and Fade Out settings here. Another way to adjust t...

  • How To Edit Text Color

    To change a text's color: Select the text on the canvas. You can either click on the shortcut that appears next to the text box or go to the Settings panel on the right. Use the slider to pick a color...

  • How To Format Text

    To set text alignment: Select the text > Settings > select Aligned Left, Centered, or Aligned RIght To set text format (all capital letters, all small letters, and capital first letter): Select the te...