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How to Create a Bobble Head Face


Create a new project > select the FB resolution (square video) option

Import your photo (see: Importing Media to CreateStudio Pro) and drag it to the canvas

Select the Pen Tool

Using the Pen Tool, trace the shape of the head

Make sure that the last point meets with the starting point to create a closed shape.

By default, you get a transparent shape with a blue border.

Set the shape's opacity to 100%

Select both the shape and the image (you can do this on the canvas or on the timeline)

Then right click > select "Mask 'photo' with path"

At this point, your face would still have a blue border. You can remove it by going to Border >  set the Width to zero (0)

To make adjustments to the mask, just double-click on the image

Drag the dotted lines to adjust the shape

To save the face you just created, right-click on it > Take Snapshot

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